Sunday, May 24, 2020
Biorgaphy - 1278 Words
The New York Times March 1, 2013 Deep Philosophical Divide Underlies the Impasse By JOHN HARWOOD WASHINGTON  Let’s play truth or consequences with the budget sequestration that took effect on Friday. That can be difficult through the fog of political war that has hung over this town. But a step back illuminates roots deeper than the prevailing notion that Washington politicians are simply fools acting for electoral advantage or partisan spite. Republicans don’t seek to grind government to a halt. But they do aim to shrink its size by an amount currently beyond their institutional power in Washington, or popular support in the country, to achieve. Democrats don’t seek to cripple the nation with debt. But they do aim to preserve†¦show more content†¦It worked again when Republicans declined to fight anew over the debt limit until May, at the earliest. That doesn’t mean it will work again by making Republicans accept a second tax increase. Over the last generation, polarization has melted away the alloy that once narrowed differences between Republicans and Democrats, leaving both as masses of near-pure ideological ore. The Republican rank-and-file is purer  more conservative than the Democratic rank-and-file is liberal. Resisting tax increases is a matter of such deep conviction that some senior Republicans believe House colleagues would fire John A. Boehner as House speaker for conceding to Mr. Obama again. For less ideological Republicans, the partisan composition of their districts and states can make following national opinion riskier (against a more conservative primary challenger) than defying it (against a Democratic general-election foe). The difficulty of winning a second tax increase may ultimately make the president regret the fiscal-cliff deal, which brought only half the new revenue he considers necessary. For now, he seeks to grind down his opposition as the impact of sequestration mounts for air travelers, education programs and the Pentagon. Against Republicans’ solid edge on the issue of spending restraint (in this week’s NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll), he wields wide Democratic advantages on helping the middle class and protecting
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Why Do You Buy Your First Rental Property - 1741 Words
Working in the technical industry has never taught me anything about real estate investing. When I was starting out, I seriously had no clue what I was doing. I would put most of my money in mutual funds since it was a little bit better than leaving it in a regular savings account. Don’t get me wrong my investment accounts had decent returns but I was looking for an even better investment to put my money in. A new way that could help me create passive income so that I could ultimately quit my job.  How To Buy Your First Rental Property While there are many ways to start growing your passive income, I chose real estate investing simply because I just LOVE everything about it. Not only has it helped me create an additional income stream,†¦show more content†¦I mean, why wouldn’t it be?! YOLO, right?! So if you’re like me, you will need to figure out how much money you’ve been wasting and start working on your spending habits. Start by making it a habit of tracking down everything that you spend. The easiest way to start cutting your expenses is to start a budget plan and learn to follow it. Resist the urges to blow your money on those â€Å"temporary high†purchases and invest into your long term wealth instead. Try to ask yourself before buying anything. â€Å"Do I need this or do I want this?†This simple question is enough to get rid of most of your bad purchases so you won’t end up having buyer’s remorse as often as before. Once you have established a good habit. Saving for your initial capital will be soooo easy! STEP 2: SETUP AN AUTOMATIC PAY-YOURSELF-FIRST INVESTMENT PLAN What does â€Å"Pay-Yourself-First†mean anyway? It simply means that when you get your paycheck, before paying for your bill(s) or credit card(s). PAY YOURSELF FIRST! Start by setting up an automatic deposit on the same day that you get paid and put a set amount of money away from your chequing account to a separate investment account. This is a good habit to have because this tricks your mind to think that you have no money when you look at your chequing account. In addition, if your savings account is directly connected to your debit card. Contact your bank and disable it so that you’re not able to select â€Å"Savings†if you pay with
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on St. Thomas Aquinas’ On Being and Essence
In St. Thomas Aquinas’ On Being and Essence, he devotes an entire chapter of his book discussing how essence is found in composite substances. â€Å"Form and matter are found in composite substances, as for example soul and body in man. But it cannot be said that either one of these alone is called the essence.’ Aquinas argues that in a composite substance, not only is the form but also matter in the essence of a thing. However, in Metaphysics, Aristotle says that essence is in the form, which acts upon matter. He writes, â€Å"The form or the thing as having form should be said to be thing, but matter by itself must never be said to be so.†Yet, Aristotle’s thesis poses a philosophical problem. If one supposes that Aristotle is correct, then†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Aquinas says that matter is something added to its essence. In other words, matter is something outside its essence. Aquinas continues his argument that essence also does not signify a relationship between matter and form. Form and matter are both â€Å"characteristics of essence.†Matter is actualized through the form. Consequently, â€Å"matter becomes an actual being and this particular thing.†Aquinas writes, â€Å"For the being that a composite substance has is not the being of the form alone nor of the matter alone but of the composite.†In other words, the fact that something is ‘being’ is not because of its form alone or its matter alone but because of form that is informed on the matter. It is evident through passage found in Aquinas’ On Being and Essence, that essence is found in composite substances through matter and form together. Although Aristotle does not explicitly state this, he does say so implicitly. This essay will now turn to an interpretation and discuss Aquinas’ argument in relation to Aristotle. Although the material body and its substantial form are metaphysically distinct, neither the human body nor its substantial form alone is a substance. From the Aristotelian perspective, when we first make a distinction as to what a things is, we are acknowledging a thing’s form but not necessarily its matter. Aristotle writes in theShow MoreRelatedSt. Thomas Aquinas Essay823 Words  | 4 PagesSt. Thomas Aquinas, was a Dominican monk, who generally one of the greatest Scholastic writers of all times. He used ancient philosophy to prove religious propositions. One of the ancient philosophers that St. Thomas Aquinas used to prove religious facts was Aristotle. One of the greatest works that Aristotle did was to prove that god really exists. St. Thomas Aquinas used the forms that Aristotle and Plato used to prove the same philosophical question, does god really exist? St. Thomas AquinasRead MoreSt. Thomas Aquinas On The Existence Of God1338 Words  | 6 Pagesfocus primarily to proving the existence of God, as well as other religious tenets they held. Two Saints of the Catholic Church, St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas, developed their own respective proofs for the existence of God. These proofs have gained fame over the subsequent centuries and still face debate and comparison today. Although both St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas both offer proofs for the existence of God, the proofs differ drastically due to the distinct argumentative methods utilizedRead MoreSt. Thomas Aquinas And The Theological Principles Of Faith1831 Words  | 8 Pagesthan merely to contemplate†is a famous quote by St. Thomas Aquinas. It mentions how giving others the full truth about what they believe in is the best way for others to be willing members of a particular group. St. Thomas Aquinas always believed that there is nothing more sincere than the truth . It was always important to him to make sure everything he said was honest, especially speaking about the Lord so it wouldn’t be considered heresy. As Aquinas grew older and older, he started to learn moreRead MoreSaint Thomas Aquinas Essay1591 Words  | 7 PagesSaint Thomas Aquinas I chose to write about Saint Thomas Aquinas because I have heard of his life and found it interesting. There was also a large pool of knowledge to research from, about Saint Thomas Aquinas. I also knew he is called Doctor of the church and I wanted to learn more about that. I was interested in Saint Thomas Aquinas because he was misunderstood by his peers and was also called the Dumb Ox. I wanted to understand how someone can be so misunderstood stood and beRead MoreEssay about Theological Virtue of Charity1987 Words  | 8 PagesSaint Thomas Aquinas is one of the people accredited for having brought theology into the limelight. 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Furthermore, there are some special individuals that gain the ability to flourish in which they acquire a deeper understanding of life. This is usually is a result of one’s profound religious beliefs. Throughout history there has been scientific reasoning that has brought humanity to a higher domain of knowledge. Saint Thomas was born in 1225 and he came from a noble family from Naples, Italy. His work caused extreme controversially Read MoreThe Philosophy Of St. Thomas Aquinas1367 Words  | 6 PagesSt. Thomas Aquinas was an influential philosopher who strongly incorporated faith into his philosophy. In his Summa Theologiae, Aquinas uses his own arguments along with those of both Aristotle and Plato to strengthen his claims. First and foremost, Aquinas uses his own philosophy to back the Christian faith and the existence of God. However, Aquinas also extends his argument past the initial claim of God and Christianity, and it is here where he uses these other influential philosophers to help
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Lose 20 Pounds-Free-Samples for
Question: Create a goal that follows the Smarts principles. Answer: Specific I would like to lose 20 pounds through the increase in exercises to be conducted every morning and evening for two months while cutting down on consumption of fatty and sugary food. I would focus on the specific aspects as I have over time neglected the core aspects that I used previously in maintaining and reducing my weight. Measurable In making my goals measurable, I shall focus on weekly weighing on the weight and record the loss experienced in each week. In between, I would convert this to ascertain the pounds lost and measure them against the target set for each week. At the same time, I would detect the reduction through observing my ability to do tasks which I previously felt tired and unable to carry out. Besides, I would measure the distance I cover on the first day and the last day of the week to ascertain the level of improvement which would determine the rate of achievement of the goal (Werle Lee, 2010). I will then keep a log of all the measurement details and the improvement level therein. Attainable Over time, I have suffered the consequences of increased weight ranging from ridicule, inability to perform some exercises, and several warnings from the doctor. As a result, the facts have led to the self-assessment and determination to attain the set goals and work hard towards reducing the negativities involved. The goal shall further assist me join my desired sport Basketball which requires vigorous exercise hence perceive the exercise as a preparation ground to attaining my dream game. Above all, improvement of my personal health and a sense of control over my body is my greatest motivation towards attaining the goal (Conzemius O'Neill, 2009). I have set sufficient funds for the program thus feel prepared enough to see it through to success. Relevant Attaining my goal is quite relevant to my well-being and granting me the permission to join my dream team in the basketball club. Since its a personal decision, I feel compelled by self to attain it for personal good (Conzemius O'Neill, 2009). The time remains ripe for the cut in weight as it would allow me join the team in the coming season set to begin in three months. At the same time, the present financial, political, and social environment supports my activity thus a success. Time-Bound I am set to begin on the 10th of this month and record daily proceedings and have established a proposed weekly and monthly target. Today, I take my time to ensure all I need is in place as I wait to begin the practice officially. References Conzemius, A., O'Neill, J. (2009). The power of SMART goals: Using goals to improve student learning. Solution Tree Press. Werle Lee, K. P. (2010). Planning for success: setting SMART goals for study. British Journal of Midwifery, 18(11), 744-746.
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