Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Connection Between Malaria and Deforestation...
The Connection Between Malaria and Deforestation Deforestation is the clearing of forests where the land is then converted for other uses. Deforestation happens globally on a massive scale as humans expand and cultivate the land. Examples of deforestation include the clearing of forests for cattle farming, mining and of course logging operations as well as a multitude of other uses. In the Amazon deforestation has been a problem for hundreds of years, ever since the Europeans ventured to the new world the Amazon has suffered from human settlement and the development of land. Because of these changes to the rainforest the ecosystem has been changed indefinitely. Malaria is an infectious disease born from mosquitoes that is caused by†¦show more content†¦Not all mosquitoes carry malaria but the species Anopheles darlingi does, and previous studies have shown that it thrives in recently cleared or disturbed areas. According to their research youre over 200 times to be bitten by one in a clearing than you are deep in the jungle (Olsen 2010). The causal mechanism linking deforestation to malaria is quite a simple one. Deforestation leads to land development which then leads increased income and prosperity of the region which leads to greater population in the region due to jobs and living space. The land development cleared the dense jungle and opened the area up. These are much better breeding and living conditions for the Anopheles darlingi mosquito while decreasing the amount of its natural predators because of the absence of forest. The increase in Anopheles darlingi population as well has the increase in human population inevitably leads to an increase of malaria cases due to the mosquitoes need for blood. In a study in Belà ©m, Brazil, Anopheles darlingi reappeared in 1992 after the species was supposedly eliminated in 1968. The researchers hypothesized that the reappearance of the mosquito was because of the encroachment of the city on the surrou nding forest (Vittor 2006). In a separate case a malaria epidemic ensued following shortly after the clearing of a forest in Trinidad as a result of the AnophelesShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Impacts of Tourism6014 Words  | 25 Pagesdischarges into the sea, natural habitat loss, increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires. It often puts a strain on water resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of critical resources. DEPLETION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it increases consumption in areas where resources are already scarce. Water resources Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical naturalRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesexchanges. Despite these endeavors, the levels of domestic and international violence within human populations and the ravages visited upon animals and the natural world by humans vastly exceeded that of any previous era in history. In a century where human communities globally and individuals locally had the potential to be much more intensely connected by new communications technologies, state-sponsored programs to achieve autarky, a global epidemic of ethnic strife, uncontrolled urban growthRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagessituation with Emilio and Juanita, you might have quickly agreed to let Emilio taste the water first to see whether it had Giardia. Perhaps only later would you have thought about the consequence of his becoming too sick to hike back out of the forest. Would you have been able to carry him back to safety? Faced with a question of what to do or believe, logical reasoners try to weigh the pros and cons if they have the time; they search around for reasons that might favor their conclusion while
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