Thursday, December 26, 2019
Hunting Helps the Environment Essay - 901 Words
It is early in the morning; the majestic Elk bugles in the distance. The sun is kissing the tops of the peaks with the most beautiful gold, and painting the clouds rose red. The men and women who enjoy the outdoors whether it is hunting or just hiking help make these types of moments possible. Hunting and the ecosystem is tied closely to conservation of land and animals. The articles of â€Å"Hunting and the ecosystem†written by the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Department (SDGFP), and â€Å"Facts and statistics on wildlife conservation†written by Roger Holmes, director of the Fish and Wildlife, touch on how hunting is important in the environment to keep a good balance in the ecosystem. They also point out how hunters do more than any other†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Hunting and ecosystem-based management is the smartest and most cost-effective way to manage our wildlife. The basic idea of ecosystem-based management is that you manage ecosystems rather t han specific species or disciplines.†For example â€Å"you do not mange pheasants as much as you manage the ecosystem in which the pheasants live. If the ecosystem is improved, it will produce more pheasants naturally.†(1) Hunting and hunters are the biggest advocates for conservation. They also provide for the most finical aid of any other organization that says they sponsor the environment and wildlife. (SDGFP)(2). Such organizations are PETA and SEIRRA. These clubs think they help the animals and the environment because they do not kill them, but they actually do more damage. Their goal is to save the animals and keep the woods from being touched. They hardly give any money to the conservation groups. The reason the ecosystems have to use conservation is because we have to much human interaction with the environment, as Roger Holmes touches on in his article. Like in small communities there is a lot more wildlife human interaction because the expanding nation. The PETA and SEIRRA clubs have also done nothing for the growth of the animal populations. The hunters have given new life to many species such as; White-Tailed Deer, Canadian goose, Rocky Mountain Elk, Wild Turkey, Pronghorn Antelope, and man y others. TheShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast Hunting and Fishing Essay825 Words  | 4 PagesHunting and fishing have been a part of the past and present of America and all around the world for as far back as the world dates. As far back as we can date, people have always hunted and fished. Back then they needed to because people need food to survive. Now hunting and fishing are starting to become sports. You may think that hunting and fishing can harm the environment, but there are many positive things about them. 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Deer rifles also are a great invention because it help kill the animal faster and with less pain. Hunting was once the only way to sup ply food for your family, But as time went on it became a wayRead MoreHunting Is An Essential Component Of Conservation944 Words  | 4 Pageshistory of hunting reveals that hunters of today share many of the same motivations and methods as ancient hunters. While technology and accessories may be different that those used for hunting thousands of years ago, the ability to take down an animal is something to be celebrated. When you learn the history of hunting, you’ll gain greater appreciation for this old tradition. Hunting is an essential component of conservation and can be used in everyday life; it has been a part of American historyRead MoreHunting Is Not Only Sustainable1464 Words  | 6 PagesHunting has been a way of life and means of survival for many different people groups throughout history. Today however, a large portion of society is becoming less tolerant towards hunting. This anti-hunting sentiment comes as a result of poor hunting practices in the past which damaged wildlife populations; however, much has been done since then to improve the practice of hunting. Hunting today both sustains and helps conserve wildlife. Hunting practices today are sustainable because of strictRead MoreAnimal Cruelty, By Walt Disney1178 Words  | 5 Pageswatching the east grow bright, waiting for the first rays of warm sunshine to break through the trees and drive away the bitter cold of night.†Although some people think that hunting is animal cruelty, I believe that hunting is crucial to maintain the balance of animal population before they become over populated. Hunting in general is a broad topic so, I will be using deer as the main point. Walt Disney has had a hand in how hunters are portrayed. Bambi, released in 1942, portrayed hunters asRead MoreHunting : An Effective Tool For Wildlife Management And Preservation Of Wildlife1577 Words  | 7 Pages Hunting not only provides people with healthy organic meat, it is also instrumental in the management and preservation of wildlife not only through the hunting itself, but also by the money generated by hunters that is used for this purpose. Hunting has existed since the dawn of time and continues to play a key role in providing people with the food they need to survive. Hunting plays many important roles in our world and has been a very effective tool for wildlife management and hopefully
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Connection Between Malaria and Deforestation...
The Connection Between Malaria and Deforestation Deforestation is the clearing of forests where the land is then converted for other uses. Deforestation happens globally on a massive scale as humans expand and cultivate the land. Examples of deforestation include the clearing of forests for cattle farming, mining and of course logging operations as well as a multitude of other uses. In the Amazon deforestation has been a problem for hundreds of years, ever since the Europeans ventured to the new world the Amazon has suffered from human settlement and the development of land. Because of these changes to the rainforest the ecosystem has been changed indefinitely. Malaria is an infectious disease born from mosquitoes that is caused by†¦show more content†¦Not all mosquitoes carry malaria but the species Anopheles darlingi does, and previous studies have shown that it thrives in recently cleared or disturbed areas. According to their research youre over 200 times to be bitten by one in a clearing than you are deep in the jungle (Olsen 2010). The causal mechanism linking deforestation to malaria is quite a simple one. Deforestation leads to land development which then leads increased income and prosperity of the region which leads to greater population in the region due to jobs and living space. The land development cleared the dense jungle and opened the area up. These are much better breeding and living conditions for the Anopheles darlingi mosquito while decreasing the amount of its natural predators because of the absence of forest. The increase in Anopheles darlingi population as well has the increase in human population inevitably leads to an increase of malaria cases due to the mosquitoes need for blood. In a study in Belà ©m, Brazil, Anopheles darlingi reappeared in 1992 after the species was supposedly eliminated in 1968. The researchers hypothesized that the reappearance of the mosquito was because of the encroachment of the city on the surrou nding forest (Vittor 2006). In a separate case a malaria epidemic ensued following shortly after the clearing of a forest in Trinidad as a result of the AnophelesShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Impacts of Tourism6014 Words  | 25 Pagesdischarges into the sea, natural habitat loss, increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires. It often puts a strain on water resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of critical resources. DEPLETION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it increases consumption in areas where resources are already scarce. Water resources Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical naturalRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesexchanges. Despite these endeavors, the levels of domestic and international violence within human populations and the ravages visited upon animals and the natural world by humans vastly exceeded that of any previous era in history. In a century where human communities globally and individuals locally had the potential to be much more intensely connected by new communications technologies, state-sponsored programs to achieve autarky, a global epidemic of ethnic strife, uncontrolled urban growthRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagessituation with Emilio and Juanita, you might have quickly agreed to let Emilio taste the water first to see whether it had Giardia. Perhaps only later would you have thought about the consequence of his becoming too sick to hike back out of the forest. Would you have been able to carry him back to safety? Faced with a question of what to do or believe, logical reasoners try to weigh the pros and cons if they have the time; they search around for reasons that might favor their conclusion while
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Power Raising in Conflict Resolution †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Power Raising in Conflict Resolution. Answer: Introduction: When you are working with others, one can hardly prevent conflict. This is because people have different perspectives. This perspectives and differences in opinion later become conflict. How the group handles these conflicts can either bring advantage or disadvantages to the group. Conflict in a group is however not a bad thing (Chesebro, Cragan, and McCullough, 2017). It makes the group to be more effective. Resolving a conflict in a group requires the members to have patience and respect. Conflict is an inherent part in human lives and can hardly be avoided. While resolving conflict in a group the group members may choose to share power or elect new leaders in the group. Differentroles can also arise from conflict leading the group to select new leaders for each role. In every group conflict is very important. How this conflict is handled in the group is important for the success of the group as it enable them reach their goals. Power sharing is used to resolve dispute s in groups and it relies on people sharing power in a joint form. Power most of the time brings negative impressions, thus, power management in a group is imperative as it reduces conflict. A team leader has the ability to raise a members power in order to avoid conflict in a group (Sheremeta, 2017). Therefore, power of the group is generally raised when the group members come to an agreement after a conflict. References Chesebro, J.W., Cragan, J.F. and McCullough, P., 2017. The small group technique of the radical revolutionary: A synthetic study of consciousness raising. Communications Monographs, 40(2), pp.136-146. Sheremeta, R. M. (2017). Behavior in group contests: A review of experimental research. Journal of Economic Surveys.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Zaabalawi Essay Example For Students
Zaabalawi Essay Zaabalawi by Nagiub Mahfouz is a classic story that has a very heavy lean toward religion and social studies. A common man is inflicted with a disease that he is unable to seek out a cure for, so he sets out in search of the mysterious Zaabalawi who has been known to cure illnesses. His search invites outside acquaintances who he hopes may be able to tell him where he can find Zaabalawi. By the end of the story it is clear that Zaabalawi is much less a holy man, but more so a figure one’s own desire for spiritual fulfillment. We will write a custom essay on Zaabalawi specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The common man, played by the narrator, seems to have made a half-hearted attempted to find the cure by traditional means, but not finding success he has decided to seek out Zaabalawi; a man described almost entirely as elusive as the cure to his own illness. Nevertheless, he is determined to seek out Zaabalawi, a man who he believes will be able to cure his ailment, and ultimately cure his affliction by whatever means necessary. Here the narrator gives up on the traditionally accepted means of finding a solution to his problem, and seeks out a more less common, misunderstood means to find it. At this point in the story it is not really clear if Zaabalawi is a real man, or is simply an idea, or a symbol for something greater. Being that Zaabalawi represents a solution to his greater problem at this point, it is clear he has decided that Zaabalawi is the absolute answer. As the story develops further, we see several people enter the story who claim to have once known Zaabalawi. Sheik Quamar, a lawyer in Cairo, suggests that he once knew Zaabalawi but has since fallen out of contact and remembers almost nothing about him. Sheiks situation seems indicative of a man who has fallen out of touch with his spiritual side and has forgotten a lot of things he used to believe in before he found success. This same idea is repeated when the District Officer enters the story. We see a man who appears incapable of offering any real assistance, and goes on to say how his preoccupation with the cares of the world have almost made him completely forget about him. Interestingly, we see here that the man further goes on to explain that the narrators inquiry had made him remember his youth. Here again, we see a man who has fallen out of touch with many of the things that he believed in as a child. Both Sheik and the district officer have fallen out of touch with the beliefs they had once placed importance on, and given them up for the world. Mahfouz is pointing out mans mistake of misplacing importance, and how we lose touch with certain things due to the istractions of this world. The narrator is now led to the house of the calligrapher, Hassanein. Hassanein is found to be very much in touch with his faith and has his memories of Zaabalawi intact. It is where the search for what makes this man different from Sheik and the District Officer begins. Hassanein goes on to explain how everything he is able to do is because of God, and how he believes sincerely that Zaabalawi would be able to heal the narrator’s illness. Mahfouz introduces another character to further support the progress the narrator is beginning to find. The narrator now finds himself at the home of the famous musician, Sheikh Gad. Gad appears to be in tune with everything around him. His presence is calm, and he proves to be very enlightening. He goes on to explain to the narrator that through his suffering he will certainly find the cure. They continue to talk and Gad explains how through their meeting is no coincidence, and that it is all nothing short of God’s work. .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c , .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .postImageUrl , .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c , .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:hover , .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:visited , .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:active { border:0!important; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:active , .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udd85da547c8e6a057c0e378d1b71723c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: English Vs Math EssayThe last scene of the story takes place in a bar, where the narrator finds himself in need of a drink after his long, seemingly fruitless search. At this point, the narrator is stripped of all the things that had built up his tolerance to the world. He was able to forget the worldly matters that have held him back, like many of his acquaintances, in his search for Zaabalawi. We now see the narrator acknowledge his awareness of Zaabalawi, and how his is completely motivated to continue to know him. Zaabalawi started out as the image of a man that would provide the narrator with a quick fix to his problem, but throughout the story we see how Mahfouz continually points out that quick fixes aren’t always as important as finding the reasons behind them. Through the narrator’s disease, he lets go of all the worldly things that end up taking precedence of many people’s lives, and we see how through this he develops an understanding for what is really important in life. Zaabalawi may not be the man the narrator set out to find, but he represents the symbol of understanding and enlightenment that he so desperately needed.
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